Vodka Cran

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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Riding Mass Transit

I've never ridden mass transit before. OK once or twice and when I would visit my sister when she lived in New York. Now I'm here taking it every day. I like it. Every morning I shove myself into an already overpacked train to get to work. i stand up against at least 4 different people who either smell bad or very nice. Today I was standing in the midst of some very lovely perfume. I enjoyed myself. Until someone cut one and I was in hell. Seriously, the person couldn't hold back!?


  • At 12/06/2005 1:45 PM, Blogger JD McGregor said…

    Aye, public transportation can sure as hell beat scraping the snow off your car, but it does have it's moments too. In Seattle, there were usually quite a few drunks and bums on the buses (depending on where and when you were going). But you learned to live with them, and sometimes, on rare occations, you were the drunk or annoying one. HA!

  • At 12/07/2005 8:06 AM, Blogger Miss Huang said…

    My coworkers take the Metra home, and they are allowed to drink on the train. There is even a bar on it. Crazy


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