Vodka Cran

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

No call No show

No call No show. Who does that? I'll tell you who, my coworker. What's up with that. That's a bad idea! Maybe because I'm older and know that burning bridges is rarely a good thing to do. My boss is super cool, she never complains when I'm like 5 min late, because she's usually 10 min late! Anyway, No call no shows, I don't think I've ever done that... Have you??

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Life Style change

So life style change 1 is drinking more water without drowning.
Life style change 2 is going for walks after dinner.
JD and I went for a really nice walk after work where I talked a lot and fealt really good. so, lifestyle change #2 is take walks more!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

My take on Chicago weather

One, it's such a huge relief when you hear things like "it's going to be in the 60's tonight." People genuinly are relieved and feel better knowing one, it's not going to be swealtering (or it's not going to be freezing depending on what time of year it is) I'm still not sure why so many people live in such crappy weather. I'm not sure why I'm doing it either. But my point is, that being able to have those tiny moments of relief regarding the weather makes those moments so great that it would be a shame to live where there's no influx. Sure you could plan your weekends better, but you wouldn't bond with anyone on the little things like it's going to be in the 60's tonight.
I'm going to watch my softball game tonight instead of play because I'm not in the mood due to my hormones being wacky at the moment.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Don't walk away!

I overheard a lady tell someone on the phone to "Take off your earings and chains, I don't want you walking away from anyone" She was pretty insistant that the person not walk away from anyone as she said it a few times. Maybe it's just me, but I thought the conversation was probably about a girl getting into a fight. Can anyone come up with any good ideas of what else could this conversation be about??

Monday, June 05, 2006

Summer in the City

Summer is here in Chicago and it rocks. So much to do so little time.
There were about 5 fests here this weekend. Chris and I made it to the book fair and May Fest where I ate my first Bratworste. It was Okay. I'm bummed I missed the alternative book fair though. I didn't know about it until it was too late. Harvey Pekar was there doing a reading or an interview, something. Oh well.
Either way, Chicago is amazing in the summer! Every weekend there is a ton of stuff going on, and Chris and I can bike to almost all of them!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hi Ho Silver Away!

Ah, Coming back from vacation is never fun or easy to do. JD and I went to Seattle for four days and it was amazing. We ate all sorts of Asian foods, that are absent for some odd reason in Chicago. We also discovered there are a lot of crazy crazy people there! Chicago has lots of homeless people, but they generally keep to themselves when not begging for money. In Seattle, they were screaming at the sky, they were wearing 15 scrunchies and getting in the way in general, they were passing out on the bus and dropping their Mickies bottles at 10 am. It was nuts!
Here is your essay homework, If you were a mayor of a city, how would you deal with your homeless population? Or how crazy are the homeless in your city?
Thank you.
Miss Huang

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

New Jobby job

Yay! I started my new job and so far so good! My boss seems very cool and my coworkers don't seem to be jerks. So far so good! The work seems like it's going to be different, all these new applications I need to learn and stuff. But it does seem like there is going to be plenty of room for me to grow. So I'm excited about that too.
I work at the John Hancock building. 20 floors below where Chris Farley died. It's where Jerry Springer lives. Across the street from Jennifer Aniston and Oprah Winfrey. It's preeettty coooOOL.
I'm still in training and learning about the business. It's pretty cool. It's a Real estate bank. they buy and sell properties and manage some properties. I'm still not sure as to why there's trading done inside though... I guess in due time I'll figure out the business just like at Pharmingen. I'm so excited about this job. hopefully it'll be good.