Vodka Cran

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Monday, February 27, 2006

Chestnut Hill and all

So this weekend a bunch of friends and I went up to Chestnut Mountain to ski and snowboard. Fiday night our friend Eli and I got really drunk and made a jacuzzi out of our bathtub. JD took his shirt off, Stephanie did something on her head causing all the boys to take photos of her butt, and Sean stole these snowman statuetts from the bar. Ah, good times. I'll post photos soon, as they're actually pretty entertaining. Oh, Sean ran over a deer. They named the deer "Deer Couger Melloncamp"
Saturday: I went snowboarding for the first time in like 3 years. I went down a few times and I realized i was just not having fun. The slopes were so short and there wasn't much powder, so I asn't willing to try anything really fun. So, I hung out with JD who didn't want to ski or snowboard. I was super tired and everyone commented on how pale I looked.
I love getting away with friends!


  • At 2/27/2006 11:49 AM, Blogger JD McGregor said…

    Yeah, 'twas a pretty fun and drunken weekend. Deer Cougar Melloncamp was especially funny as Sean was drining a Cougar.
    One of the funniest parts was waking up that first morning to see our room absolutly trashed. The couch was all apart, trash everywhere, cigarette ashes (on our non-smoking floor) and a full bathtube. Also the lampshade had been tampered with, knowone knew who or why until we looked at the photos. Good time.
    Also, it was the first time Huang and i got to Iowa.
    Check that one off the list.

  • At 2/27/2006 12:57 PM, Blogger Miss Huang said…

    No. Deer Gouger Mellencamp was dead because both sean's tires ran over it. Also, it was funny, we were all just being silly as all hell and all of a sudden Chris took his shirt off. that was it. he just decided to start getting naked. mmm I love naked men.

  • At 2/28/2006 2:13 PM, Blogger Miss Huang said…

    his nips are piereced. that's all that matters.

  • At 3/02/2006 8:46 AM, Blogger Miss Huang said…

    Oh my god, Missy! That's so cute how you pretend he's gross! My boyfriend happends to be amazingly cute, so much so that he lacks in other areas because he relies on his looks all too often... anyway, you don't think he's gross... ;P

  • At 3/02/2006 9:22 AM, Blogger Miss Huang said…

    I love you thiiiiiiiis much, missy. (hands are really far apart)


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