Vodka Cran

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday

Superbowl sunday is over. and I ate too much chips and salsa. Too many chips and too much salsa... And who said studying for the GMAT would never pan out for anything! Oh wait, nobody said that... Anyway, Seahawks lost. boo hoo. Chris and I bet a little bit. I won the coin toss, he won the over/under score. Neither of us won the Seahawks to win (mine was between 2-6 points and his was between 7-11).
It was a good time. But now more importantly, when does baseball start?! I'm going to bet at the very beginning of the year that Boston is going to win. They took our best players (the padres) and they have some other good players, I think they've got the winning combination as of now. I'm not sure who's going to do worse though. Padres or Kansas City. It's a toss up. The padres are going to blow. Damn that Kevin Towers. Damn him to hell!


  • At 2/07/2006 3:53 PM, Blogger Miss Huang said…

    Oh my god, i'm so jealous! That sounds so yummy!!! Oh my god, sneak me a recipe on any of those items!
    I need to learn how to cook. I have all these cook books, but then I get super lazy, and I hate doing dishes, yadda yadda yadda. boo hoo for me. =)


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