Vodka Cran

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

My favorite books to read are the ones high school students are assigned.

My favorite books to read are the ones high school students are assigned. Last summer I read To Kill a Mocking Bird while lounging on the beach, watching my friends play horseshoes (Go Team Drunk!) and everytime someone saw my book, they said "I read that in high school." Well now I'm reading The Grapes of Wrath and once again I'm thinking, damn, why didn't I read this in high school when I was supposed to?? This is pretty damn good.
I remember once talking to this guy (Chris, what's his name? He's the singer for the Gizzards) who was reading it and I remember I was so facsinated by the fact that 1, someone else reads for the fun of it, and 2 it was some old school book.
Sure I know some people who read for the fun of it, but most people don't. So, my question is "Why do you choose to read?" accompanied with "Do you read for entertainment purposes?"

(I've been watching a lot of Sex and the City lately, hence my thoughts then a question (or two) at the end; just like Carrie does...mmmm... I love Sex and the City...I'm a Miranda...)


  • At 2/16/2006 12:07 PM, Blogger Cladeedah said…

    I like to read.. but it's a luxury to have that much spare time. So that's why I mostly just watch tv and movies. Why burn 4 or 5 days when you can get the gist in 2 hours?

    I'm reading In Cold Blood now and I have To Kill a Mockingbird geared up next. I, too, am on a high school reading kick.

  • At 2/16/2006 1:10 PM, Blogger JD McGregor said…

    You know, we really did read some good books in high school. I think sometimes it was hard to realize because we were teens, and were 'forced' to read them. Vonnegut is probably my favorite author, though this didn't happen till long after i read Slaughterhouse Five.
    I did really enjoy the Great Gatspy, and the Catcher in the Rye though. I used to be an avid reader. Now i have a PS2 and it's work to get myself to read = (
    I read cause it's fun, and a book is much more detailed than the movie.
    Now reading: wicked (i guess)
    Need to read: the last Harry Potter


  • At 2/17/2006 10:32 AM, Blogger Cladeedah said…

    Best book I read in hs = The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner

  • At 2/22/2006 12:59 PM, Blogger Miss Huang said…

    i read the morpheous, it was good. thanks for the recommendations, you're such a literate cookie!


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